7 Minutes of Terror
Wow… talk about trying to stir up some excitement around a space launch. I can’t wait for it myself, I am a bit of a space nut; not so much the nitty gritty science of it but more how it can be conceptualized as truly exciting place to look for human creativity. I got this link to a video on APOD; it is the only website I visit on a fervent basis. Curiosity.
Deceased cats.
But more to the point, this video is actually quite hilarious, it is dramatically over cooked by about 15 minutes at 500 degrees Celsius. It is lurid and pornographic in a twisted way.
And if…
There is more. What exactly does more mean? Another langscape? Another landguage? It is nature to look at the fescue on the other side of the divide and wonder at its marvelous greeness, luscious velosity. But it is movement that is at issue, or rather displacement.
Roberto dell Griva sits by the gunwale of the shipwrecked vessel. He ponders the idea that what he sees before him is yesterday. When he sees a bird flying there, he knows it is not there now. He can’t swim. He knows that if he dives off the ship and swims toward the island, he will be swimming towards the day before. But, as mentioned, he cannot swim. Is this what it means to consider the verdosity of the fescue outside the limits of the enclosure? Of course it is. Get over it.
The sky is falling and I don’t have an anti-gravity ray.
The weather has been rather unfriendly of late. I am not a fan of talking about the weather but it usually supplies one with an opening to some kind of conversation.
On est ici, ou bien là, ou encore entre les deux. La mouvance se produit toujours en deux sites simultanément. Intérieur et Extérieur. C’est simultané car l’un va inévitablement produire un effet sur l’autre. L’attirance vers le déplacement lent, utilisant le principe de la friction maximale, permet l’absorption des détails et des fréquences localisées. L’ouverture maximale aux synchronicités s’établi et les filtres quotidiens se trouvent bloqués.
– Posted from GEDEON XXIII
Location:Central St,Bay Roberts,Canada