The biggest little apartment in town. So small, but so well organized. This is an actual Helsinki apartment.
What a month it has been. I have met some really interesting and great artists from all over the world in an amazing setting. It has been such a long time since I have been able to devote so much time and energy uniquely towards being creative; I feel honoured to have been selected among such a talented and charming group of people. I also feel honoured that my students and my employer (Grenfell Campus) were so gracious in allowing me this opportunity, this alone gave me the impetus to work hard and dedicate myself to doing what I had to do.
Much work has been created, most of it will be a framework to develop many future projects. Below is one of the pieces I left with my hosts at Arteles. It is relatively resolved, meaning I took some time and “performed” some sound to it. Of course this will evolve as I work with it more. I am hoping to gather my courage and propose an actual public performance in the near future.
A “final” version of this work made during a residency at Arteles Creative Centre in Haukijärvi, Finland. It is a reflection on how silence, awareness and existence co-exist in uneasy harmony. Silence is impossible, awareness is difficult and existence just is. The work is designed to be projected during performance of sound works, the soundtrack is one such “performance” played out while watching the moving images. Loops, reiterations and différence and répétition all thanks to Gilles Deleuze.
Across thee Silence version 03 /with sound from Pierre LeBlanc on Vimeo.